Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Warning: 3G service may lead you into trouble
With the launch of 3G services in India, the mobile web usage has started to grow at an never before rate. Major mobile service providers like Tata Docomo, Airtel, Aircel and BSNL have rolled out the 3rd Generation technology. Using a 3G service, users have access to broadband internet, live mobile TV, video calls and fast downloading.
Just months after the 3G service launch, security experts have warned about the possibility of increase in cyber crimes. Experts said that mobile phones are more vulnerable to cyber crimes than any other electronic gadgets as many of the users won't use anti-virus or other safety applications.
Security experts said that, using spying softwares or virus hackers can easily get into the data of a mobile. Hackers can record calls, videos and even use the contact informations. Many experts strongly recommend to anti-virus softwares or fireballs and to switch off Bluetooth service while using 3G services.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Scan websites against XSS with OWASP Scrubbr v1.0
Download XSS Scanning Tool Here
BlackSheep: Way to Avoid FireSheep!
FireSheep and BlackSheep can not co-exist on the same Firefox profile as they share a lot of common code. If you need to use them on the same machine, use different Firefox profiles.
Download BlackSheep v1.0.0 (blacksheep-latest.xpi) here.
Hack Facebook/Twitter Or Any Email Account With Session Hijacking
When logging into a website you usually start by submitting your username and password. The server then checks to see if an account matching this information exists and if so, replies back to you with a "cookie" which is used by your browser for all subsequent requests.
As soon as anyone on the network visits an insecure website known to Firesheep, their name and photo will be displayed:
Double-click on someone, and you're instantly logged in as them.
PHP Programming Video Tutorial: Basics Tutorials PHP Programming
What You Will Need (02:41)
Resources - Using PHP.net Pt.1 (04:51)
Resources - Using PHP.net Pt.2 (04:17)
Other PHP Resources (03:10)
Hosting Resources (06:23)
Starting with PHP
What is PHP (04:10)
PHP Programming Standards (04:07)
Embedding PHP in HTML (05:27)
Embedding HTML in PHP (05:15)
The All Important Semi-colon (01:38 )
Your First PHP Script (05:34)
Comments (02:24)
Chapter 2 Challenge (07:57)
PHP Basics
Variables (04:04)
PHP Statements (00:45)
Values and Value Types Part 1 (07:48 )
Values and Value Types Part 2 (02:43)
Referencing Variables and Constants (03:00)
Superglobals (05:04)
Variable Variables (03:56)
Basic Operators Part 1 (04:21)
Basic Operators Part 2 (04:35)
Advanced Operators (05:52)
Chapter 3 Challenge (06:08 )
PHP Conditionals and Loops
The "IF" Statement (04:45)
Extending "IF" (03:02)
"SWITCH" Statements (04:40)
The "WHILE" Structure (03:18 )
The "DO-WHILE" Structure (02:29)
The "FOR" Loop (04:41)
Chapter 4 Challenge (02:28 )
Applying What You Know
Setting up Your File Structure (04:53)
Global Headers and Footers (03:16)
A Functional Website Example Pt.1 (06:23)
A Functional Website Example Pt.2 (04:18 )
A Functional Website Example Pt.3 (04:32)
A Functional Website Example Pt.4 (04:49)
A Functional Website Example Pt.5 (04:30)
A Functional Website Example - Addendum (06:09)
PHP and functions
Why use functions (03:12)
Variable Scope (02:58)
Creating and using Functions (03:12)
Functions with Parameters (06:28 )
Returning Values (04:05)
Chapter 6 Challenge (05:59)
PHP Arrays
What is an Array (02:09)
Creating Arrays (06:03)
Multidimensional Arrays (03:23)
"FOREACH" looping - basic (03:18 )
"FOREACH" looping - advanced (04:19)
Navigating Arrays (02:21)
Manipulating Keys (03:56)
Sorting Arrays (02:41)
Serialization (02:20)
Challenge (07:56)
Starting with MYSQL
Getting Information: mysql.com (02:49)
Other MYSQL Resources (02:00)
What is a relational database? (03:27)
Accessing MYSQL - the command line (04:36)
MYSQL Basics
Configuring Users in MYSQL - Part 1 (03:59)
Configuring Users in MYSQL - Part 2 (03:02)
Creating Databases and Tables (02:24)
MYSQL Data Types - Numeric Types (04:04)
MYSQL Data Types - Date Types (02:17)
MYSQL Data Types - String Types (02:58)
EXAMPLE: Creating A Table Statement - Part 1 (05:27)
EXAMPLE: Creating A Table Statement - Part 2 (03:47)
Basic MYSQL commands - INSERT (02:46)
Basic MYSQL commands - SELECT and UPDATE (05:46)
Basic MYSQL commands - DELETE and DROP (02:32)
Setting Up phpMyAdmin (05:43)
Using phpMyAdmin (06:06)
Using MYSQL with PHP
Connecting to MYSQL (02:28 )
Choosing a database (01:49)
Querying a database (03:53)
Retrieving results (05:38 )
Useful MySQL functions in PHP (03:55)
PHP and Sessions
What is a session (01:39)
set_cookie vs session_start (05:36)
Session Tracking With Built in PHP Functions (03:54)
Session Tracking With Databases Pt.1 (04:36)
Session Tracking With Databases Pt.2 (04:40)
Final Words
Where to go from here (03:02)
About the Author (02:04)
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Computer Scientist, Student Design Software to Combat Hacking Using Keystroke Anti-Spoofing Technique
To combat the "spoofing attacks," Yao and her former student, Deian Stefan, now a graduate student in the computer science department at Stanford University, developed an authentication framework called "Telling Human and Bot Apart" (TUBA), a remote biometrics system based on keystroke-dynamics information.
Their work won a best paper award at CollaborateCom '10, the 6th International Conference on Collaborative Computing, held in Chicago and sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers' Computer Society, Create-Net, and the Institute for Computer Sciences.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Regardless of any technique, hackers agree if the administrator page is one of the most essential web pages and the most search for exploitation. Typically, the administrator page url address is http://www.sitename.com/admin.php, http://www.sitename.com/admin.html and so forth.
Because of the susceptibility of admin pages, its url address recently deliberate in secret by using the unique url address to make difficult to guess, at least give a little trouble on the hackers to find it.
The groups of Indian hackers (Indian Cyber Army), released a site called Admin finder that can help us to find administrator page. The web address is: http://adminfinder.cyberarmy.in/.
On a black background sites, we only are asked to enter the url address of a target site with the end slash mark (/), then press the Submit Site Bottom. AdminFinder will look for administrators pages. administrators web pages will be displayed with a description in the left column. If found, will be given a description "Found!" with Red color. While that does not exist, will be given a "Not Found!" description with yellow color. The red color with the description "Found!" is the administrator page. It’s easy right?.
Computer Scientist, Student Design Software to Combat Hacking Using Keystroke Anti-Spoofing Technique
Friday, October 29, 2010
DNS Rebinding Attack Can Be Used to Hack Home Routers
A security researcher has devised a special attack that can be used to access the LAN-facing admin interfaces of many widely used home router models. The technique is a variation of DNS rebinding, but is able to bypass traditional protections against such attacks.
The attack method will be demonstrated at the upcoming Black Hat technical security conference in Las Vegas, by a ethical hacker named Craig Heffner, who currently works as a senior security engineer at Seismic. Heffner's presentation, called “How to Hack Millions of Routers” will be accompanied by the release of a tool which automates the attack.
Read More : Click Here
Researcher Forces Cash Out of Automated Teller Machines
Security researcher Barnaby Jack gave his long overdue presentation on ATM exploits in front of an audience at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas. The hacker managed to force two different ATM models to dispense cash using both remote and local attacks.
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) are pretty much ubiquitous these days and most people are used to trusting them. Unfortunately, the sad reality is that these machines are far from safe and the rate of ATM crime is on a steep climb.
Attacks like ATM skimming have been around for a long time and several variants of ATM malware have also appeared in the past two years. However, Barnaby Jack's research, which involve remotely exploitable vulnerabilities, takes ATM security risks to a whole new level.