Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Administrator web page is the most important pages in a web. Because, from here a web control facilities. One of the hacking technique which is still popular is trying to find the administrator account on this page through a variety of techniques such as exploits, bruteforce, SQL Injection and also include requesting assistance with a number of software password hacking.

Regardless of any technique, hackers agree if the administrator page is one of the most essential web pages and the most search for exploitation. Typically, the administrator page url address is http://www.sitename.com/admin.php, http://www.sitename.com/admin.html and so forth.

Because of the susceptibility of admin pages, its url address recently deliberate in secret by using the unique url address to make difficult to guess, at least give a little trouble on the hackers to find it.

The groups of Indian hackers (Indian Cyber Army), released a site called Admin finder that can help us to find administrator page. The web address is: http://adminfinder.cyberarmy.in/.

On a black background sites, we only are asked to enter the url address of a target site with the end slash mark (/), then press the Submit Site Bottom. AdminFinder will look for administrators pages. administrators web pages will be displayed with a description in the left column. If found, will be given a description "Found!" with Red color. While that does not exist, will be given a "Not Found!" description with yellow color. The red color with the description "Found!" is the administrator page. It’s easy right?.

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